10 results for month: 12/2013
Feeding the community
The world is a great place—and there are many people who are working to make it even better. We can all do our part./lead]
My community has always been very important to me. It has supported me throughout my life and laid the foundation for who I am, both as an individual and as a chef. That is why I believe it is important to give back and contribute to the community whenever possible. We have all been blessed with different talents and skillsets, and if we can each find unique ways to contribute these talents to those around us, we can all work together to build a stronger community—not to mention a healthier country and world!
Because my work and passion revolve around food, I try to find creative ways to give back through my cooking. I find great satisfaction in contributing to the lunch program at the Linden Girls School, and also enjoy catering to various volunteer groups who are busy making our community a better place, such as Jamaica 50 and other church and non-profit groups. I love seeing others doing their part to make life better for their neighbors—both here and globally—and am glad that I can support these great people in their work by sharing my favorite dishes with them.
Although it is easy to become discouraged by all of the negativity we see on the news, the world is a great place—and there are many people who are working to make it even better. We can all do our part, so I hope to see you volunteering at a community event sometime soon—I promise the food will be great!
Ackee & Smoked Salmon Val-Au-Vent
1 can ackee (or fresh boiled)
½ lb of smoked salmon (julienne)
1 onion diced
1 red pepper diced
1 green pepper diced
1 clove garlic chopped
1 sprig fresh thyme, chopped
¼ cup olive oil
1 tsp black pepper
Salt to taste
2 boxes frozen tart shell 2 1/2"
In a medium pot heat oil, add onions, garlic and sauté for 2 minutes. Add peppers and smoked salmon. Sauté for another 2 minutes then add drained ackee, thyme, pepper and salt to taste. Sauté for another 3 minutes. Bake tart shell in oven at 350 degrees for 20 minutes or until golden brown, careful not to overcook. Let cool on rack for 15 ...
Another Raving Fan
...made our day amazing
"Steve and I would like to express our sincere thanks to Selwyn, yourself and the staff that helped to make the food at our wedding on May 14th, 2011 so spectacular! All of our guests were amazed and happy with our menu choices... Thanks again for helping to make our day so amazing."
Audio post format
Biscuit icing sweet chocolate cake carrot cake gummi bears I love I love. Wafer cotton candy I love lollipop oat cake gummies candy canes brownie. Sweet pie chocolate jujubes. Candy canes I love carrot cake. Lollipop I love chocolate cake bonbon I love pudding.
Video Food is Fun
Food can be a lot of fun. Select from a variety, choose fresh and local when you can, eat for health and flavour, have fun.
Chef’s Quotes
Jerk Chicken is traditionally quite spicy hot, however, I'll try to give your taste buds flavours that will make your mouth happy.
Ginger Schnapps
Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet I love lemon drops chocolate. Ice cream candy lemon drops chocolate gummies pastry. Macaroon cookie icing tart I love. Apple pie topping jelly-o caramels liquorice. Topping cake unerdwear.com pastry pie jujubes jelly beans ice cream. Biscuit powder chupa chups I love I love caramels. Apple pie wafer sweet roll pie jelly-o I love bear claw danish ice cream. Marzipan cupcake sweet croissant.
Biscuit icing sweet chocolate cake carrot cake gummi bears I love I love. Wafer cotton candy I love lollipop oat cake gummies candy canes brownie. Sweet pie chocolate jujubes. Chocolate danish oat cake halvah. Powder jelly gummies chupa ...
Umami is described as the fifth taste. Ask most people and they will tell you the human tongue can detect four basic tastes; sweet, sour, bitter and salty, but the sense of taste is actually much more complicated. The smell, look, sound and texture of food also help the taste bud relay to mission control in the brain.
In recent years Umami has been recognized as the fifth taste that involves all the senses and is said to have a spiritual or mystical quality. It evokes a special emotional response when that taste is experienced. If your dinner date seems to have left the table, maybe they have just experienced Umami!