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Africa $
Typically, West Africans will give their meals taste with hot spices and chilli peppers, or sauces such as peanut. An example of a typical starchy food is Fufu. This is made from root vegetables such as yams, cocoyams, or cassava. It is normally accompanied by sauces or stews.
Bahamas $
Bahamian cuisine refers to the food and beverage culture of the Bahamas. Bahamian cuisine often includes fish, shellfish, lobster, crab, conch, and other seafood. Tropical fruits, rice, peas, pigeon peas, potatoes, and pork are also widely incorporated.
Dominica Republic $
Grenada's national dish is called "oil-down". Oil down is more than just a dish; it’s an event, a true cultural experience. This one-pot meal made of salted meat (and/or chicken), dumplings, breadfruit, callaloo and other
Guyana $$19
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Purto Rico $
Bahamian cuisine refers to the food and beverage culture of the Bahamas. Bahamian cuisine often includes fish, shellfish, lobster, crab, conch, and other seafood. Tropical fruits, rice, peas, pigeon peas, potatoes, and pork are also widely incorporated.